Sunday, September 20, 2009

Jinx myself in hockey

Its never good to jinx your self in anything. I guess I had to learn the hard way and for some reason I keep on jinxing myself. As what I know its always have been in hockey game when I play as the goaltender.

Today, I was dominating making saves left and right. Making the other team angry because they can't put one in net. In roller hockey at Waukesha Skateland, we have two half's of 22 minutes long. When I was dominating during the first half, after 20 minutes went by. I made another save and the ref is like wow Ben your doing great, and I replied "I want my shut out!".

I just jinx myself, as a goaltender you never say the word shut out when your having one. The reason is because it haunts you back. After saying "I want my shut out!" a minute later I gave up a goal. Ended up losing a game that I played great at. This is not the only time I jinx myself as a goaltender.

About a season ago, back to back weeks. I had a first half shut out. I was talking to a ref and told him that I had a good chance of getting a shut out and this was too easy. Not long when the second half started, I get scored on a couple of times. With in the last two years, I had a shut out through the second half and with 8 minutes to go I got scored on because I was thinking about the shut out.

Only once in my life I got a shut out in a game and it was hard. I'm looking forward to another shut out in the future. During a scrimmage game last season, I think I had a shut out. Their was no refs and nobody knew if it went in or not but did hit the post so I think I had another shut out but only in a scrimmage.

So my goal is next time I'm having a shut out, I will not think or say shut out, otherwise the jinx will happen again.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

My victory against the simal giver Mccutchin at the WCC!

For all you that can read chess notation. I'm black and Mccutchin is white. e4-e6, d4-d5, Nc3-Bb4, e5 -c5, (5) a3-Bxc3, bxc3-Ne7, Qg4-0-0, h4-Qa5, Bd2-Nbd6, (10) Nf3-h6(I feel this is my only mistake in the game, he now has c4! attacking my queen and after the queen moves, the bishop will take h6. But this never happened so I feel good.) , Bd3-c4!, Be2-f6, 00 - Nf5 (this move stops the bishop from taking h6) , exf6-Rxf6,(15) Ne5?-Ncxd4, cxd4-Qxd2( The queen is causing trouble!), Rfd1-Qxc2, Rac1-Qb2, Nxc4??(I think its a big blunder) dxc4, (20) Bxc4-b4, Rb1-Qa3, Bxb5-Bb7, Bd7-Bd5, Qe2-Nxh4(free pawn), (25) Ra1(chasing my queen around. He should try to find a way to defend his king side.) Qd6, Bb5-Rg6(watch out!), Ra6-Rxg2, White resigns. Mccutchin is a really good chess expert. He played 20+ player and I think he won most of his games.